







  • Q: Please tell us why you chose J. F. Oberlin University's College of Global Communication.
  • Q: Question for Seki san. Why did you choose Portsmouth England as your study abroad destination?
  • Q: Maroussia san, I have a question for you. Why did you choose to study at a Japanese university?
  • Q: What was your most memorable experience studying at the College of Global Communication?
  • Q: How much interaction is there between Japanese students and international students at J. F. Oberlin University?
  • Q: Please tell us about some of your favorite memories of campus life.
  • Q: What kind of work do you want to do in the future?
  • Q: Do you have a message for prospective students who are aiming to enter the School of Global Communications?
  • \ Let's study together! /






Q: Please tell us why you chose J. F. Oberlin University's College of Global Communication.

  • Seki san

    Since I was a high school student, I wanted to study basic English in college before going abroad to study abroad and eventually study international issues in English.


    I was attracted to J. F. Oberlin University because of its many options for study, such as its extensive study abroad programs and its “academic group system ” that allows students to study adjacent fields of study. I chose the Global Communication Studies program because I thought J. F. Oberlin University offers the kind of learning experience I want!

  • Maroussia san

    I came to J. F. Oberlin University from France as an exchange student. I decided to study at J. F. Oberlin University because of the wide range of classes available and the active exchange program, which I thought would allow me to discover new ways of communicating and learning through contact with students from various countries.


    I want to work globally in the future, so I need to be able to speak at least four languages. Right now I speak French, English, and Spanish, and I am studying Japanese!


Q: 桜美林大学のグローバル・コミュニケーション学群を選んだ理由を教えてください。


関さん 高校生の頃から、大学では基礎的な英語を学んでから留学に行き、最終的には国際問題を英語で勉強したいと考えていました。




マルシアさん 私は交換留学生として、フランスから桜美林大学に入学しました。桜美林大学は、受けられる授業のジャンルが幅広く、交換留学も活発に行われているので、さまざまな国の学生と接しながら新しいコミュニケーションの方法や学びを発見できるかなと思い、桜美林大学に留学することを決めました。




Q: Question for Seki san. Why did you choose Portsmouth England as your study abroad destination?

  • Seki san

    I went to Australia for my junior high school excursion and to New Zealand for my high school language training. I stayed in homestays in both cases, and I was able to improve my English skills by spending time speaking in English with people other than my school friends, and I was able to learn about the culture and lifestyle of the host country.


    The study abroad program at J. F. Oberlin University offered a total of six options at the time (spring semester of 2023): three British universities and three American universities, and I chose the British university that offered homestays. Portsmouth is a port city with abundant nature. It is easily accessible to the city, and I was able to travel to London, Edinburgh, and France on weekends!


    At the University of Portsmouth, I was able to study in a wonderful environment with friends and teachers. Actually, when I first came to England, I was not very good at speaking up in class, even if I knew the answer.


    Then one of my Ukrainian classmates asked me, “Why don’t you speak up when you know the answer? You always come up with the right answer, so why don’t you just say it!” and this advice helped me to speak up. My teachers also always helped me and corrected my essay assignments many times.


Q: 関さんへ質問です。留学先にイギリス・ポーツマスを選んだ理由を教えてください。


関さん 私は中学校の修学旅行でオーストラリアに、高校の語学研修でニュージーランドに行きました。両方ともホームステイをさせてもらったのですが、学校の友だち以外と英語でしゃべる時間があることで英語力を伸ばせたし、留学先の国の文化や生活スタイルを学べたので、大学で留学するときもホームステイをしたいと思っていたんです。







Q: Maroussia san, I have a question for you. Why did you choose to study at a Japanese university?

  • Maroussia san

    I wanted to increase my knowledge of a culture and ideas that are very different from those of my home country, France. Besides, my father studied karate with a Japanese teacher and showed me karate kata when I was little, so I have always had opportunities to come into contact with Japanese culture and history.


Q: マルシアさんへ質問です。なぜ日本の大学を選んだんですか?


マルシアさん 母国であるフランスとは全く違う文化や考えを知り、自分の知識を増やしたかったんです。それに、お父さんが日本人の先生に空手を習っていて、私が小さいころに空手の型を見せてくれるなど、昔から日本の文化や歴史に触れる機会があったので、より深く日本の勉強をしたいと思ったからです。

Q: What was your most memorable experience studying at the College of Global Communication?

  • Seki san

    I feel that my English skills have improved because I have many opportunities to give presentations. The presentations start as short as 3 minutes in the first year and gradually increase to 10 minutes in the third year.

  • Maroussia san

    The basic style of the teachers at my university in France is to “just teach knowledge,” and there are few opportunities for discussion between teachers and students. However, I was very surprised to find that the Global Communication Studies group offers many opportunities for discussion among students and with teachers.




関さん プレゼンテーションの機会が多くあるため、英語力の向上につながっていると感じています。プレゼンテーションは1年生の時は3分と短いものから始め、3年生の時には10分と、徐々にレベルアップしていきます。


マルシアさん 私がフランスで通っている大学の先生は「知識を教えるだけ」というのが基本的なスタイルで、先生と学生間でのディスカッションの機会はほとんどありません。ですがグローバル・コミュニケーション学群は、学生同士や先生方とのディスカッションの機会がたくさんあることにとても驚きました。

  • Seki san

    I too had the impression that university classes were passive, with the teacher speaking and the students just listening.


    The teachers actively ask questions, so both Japanese and international students have equal opportunities to speak up, and I feel that the discussion opportunities bring the teachers and students closer together.

  • Maroussia san

    Discussion topics vary. We have discussed “hunting,” “immigration,” “microaggressions (unconscious prejudice and discrimination),” and so on. There are students from many different countries in the class, including Japanese, Americans, and French like me, so it is very interesting to hear different opinions!


関さん 私も大学の授業は、「先生がしゃべって、学生がそれを聞くだけ」という、受け身な印象があったのですが、学生が主体となって進んでいくグローバル・コミュニケーション学群の授業スタイルには驚きました。




マルシアさん ディスカッションのテーマはさまざま。これまで「狩り」や「移民」、「マイクロアグレッション(無意識の偏見や差別)」などについてディスカッションしました。クラスには日本人やアメリカ人、私のようなフランス人など、いろいろな国の学生がいるので、さまざまな意見を聞くことができて、とてもおもしろいです!

Q: How much interaction is there between Japanese students and international students at J. F. Oberlin University?

  • Seki san

    There is a club that plans and organizes events that promotes exchange between Japanese and international students, and when I participate in these events, I meet many students who are interested in international exchange. So far, I have participated in an excursion to Mt.Takao. There are many other events where you can have international exchanges, such as camping trips to Lake Yamanaka, welcome parties, and so on.

  • Maroussia san

    I also participated in that event! Also, a friend of mine who is also from France belongs to the rugby club and seems to interact with Japanese students through sports.

  • Seki san

    My classmates in the college of Global Communication also interact with each other. Maroussia and I had a class together, and we became friends while talking in the classroom.


Q: 桜美林大学はどれくらい日本人学生と留学生の交流が盛んなんですか?


関さん 日本人学生と留学生の交流を促すイベントを企画運営するサークルがあって、そのイベントに参加すると、国際交流をしたい学生とたくさん出会うことができます。これまで私は、高尾山へピクニックに行くイベントに参加しました。


マルシアさん 私もそのイベントに参加しました!あと、私と同じフランス出身の友だちは、ラグビー部に所属していて、スポーツを通して日本人学生と交流しているようです。


関さん グローバル・コミュニケーション学群のクラスメイト同士でも交流があります。マルシアさんとは、授業が一緒で、教室で話すうちに友だちになりました。

Q: Please tell us about some of your favorite memories of campus life.

  • Maroussia san

    When I first entered the university, I was very anxious because I didn’t know many people, but I was able to talk and play games with my classmates at the welcome party, and we were able to get to know each other.


    Also, there are many cherry blossoms at J. F. Oberlin University, and when I first came to campus on April 3, the cherry trees were just in bloom and it was so beautiful. I still can’t forget the view of the cherry trees. Summer is coming, and I would like to experience summer festivals, fireworks displays, and other Japanese summer traditions!

  • Seki san

    I also participated in the Australian program through the online study abroad program, and I was able to learn about Australian slang and food culture. In Australia, there is a slang term for McDonalds “Maccas” and barbecue “Barbie”!


    Also, while studying in England, I went to a Japanese restaurant and was surprised to find spicy ramen noodles with gyoza (dumplings) in them (laughs)! It was a combination I had never had in Japan, and I thought, “This is not Japanese food,” but it was an interesting experience.


Q: キャンパスライフで楽しかった思い出を教えてください。


マルシアさん 入学時は知らない人ばかりで、不安なことが多かったですが、ウェルカムパーティーでクラスメイトと話をしたり、ゲームをしたりして、仲を深めることができました。




関さん オンライン留学でオーストラリアのプログラムにも参加したのですが、オーストラリアのスラングや食文化を知ることができました。オーストラリアでは、マクドナルドのことを「マカス」、バーベキューを「バービー」と呼ぶスラングがあるんです!



Q: What kind of work do you want to do in the future?

  • Maroussia san

    I would like to work for an energy-related company or an international organization related to the environment.

  • Seki san

    I would like to work in a job where I can use English, such as in the hotel industry or airline industry. I would be happy if I could interact with people from other countries.


Q: 将来はどんな仕事をしたいですか?


マルシアさん エネルギー関連の会社か、環境に関連する国際機関で働きたいと思っています。


関さん ホテル業界や航空業界など、英語を使う仕事に就きたいです。他の国の人と関わることができたらうれしいですね。

Q: Do you have a message for prospective students who are aiming to enter the School of Global Communications?

  • Maroussia san

    Oberlin College is a wonderful university. The students at J. F. Oberlin University is very kind and they do not hesitate to help international students like me. There are many interesting classes where you can learn a wide range of subjects!

  • Seki san

    International exchange is very active at J. F. Oberlin University, so there are many opportunities to speak English even in Japan. Not only will you be able to improve your English skills, but you will also be able to talk with international students and teachers and put your English skills into practice right away.

    I think it is a great learning experience for those who want to work using English in the future, as well as those who are interested in foreign countries!


Q: グローバル・コミュニケーション学群への入学を目指す受験生へ、メッセージをください!


マルシアさん 桜美林大学はすばらしい大学です。桜美林大学の学生は私みたいな留学生もためらうことなく助けてくれる、とても優しい人たちばかり。幅広い分野を学べるおもしろい授業もたくさんありますよ!


関さん 桜美林大学では国際交流が盛んなので、日本にいても英語を話す機会がたくさんあります。英語力が伸びることはもちろんですが、その英語力を留学生や先生方と話して、すぐに実践できる環境が整っています。将来英語を使った仕事をしたい人はもちろん、海外に興味がある人も、とても勉強になると思います!

\ Let's study together! /